Lend a helping hand to the women and children in our community

By Mona Epyeru

We live in a world, where for the longest time women and children have been the most vulnerable individuals in our society. Poverty; abuse and violence; and ignorance are huge contributing factors. But luckily we also live in a society where education is a growing driving force and various institutions have been set up across the GTA to improve awareness and help these women in need.  Shockingly, the domestic violence rate in Toronto is pretty high. Violence aimed at women and girls, including sexual harassment, and domestic violence continues to affect one third of all women and children in Canada and around the world.1

50% of women in Canada have experienced at least one incident of physical/sexual violence since the age of 16, and because of this, on any given day more than 3300 women (along with their 3000 children) are forced to sleep in an emergency shelter to escape domestic violence.2  Every night about 200 women are turned away because shelters are full. Most of these abused women are frightened of voicing up their concerns because of the fear of being “punished” by their partner. The actual incidence of violent acts against women and girls is estimated to be much higher than police reported statistics suggests, as a large percentage of this violence goes unreported. When a woman/girl is being abused by her partner it is normally very difficult for her to leave the situation and seek help.3  The most common reasons that stop women from getting help include:4

  • Most women say “It was a personal matter’ “it was not important enough”

  • Conflicting Emotions such as – Fear of what comes after your leave – Believing abuse is normal – Embarrassment – Low self-esteem – Love

  • Pressure – Social/Peer Pressure – Cultural/ Religious reasons – Pregnancy/Parenting

  • Reliance on the abusive partner – Lack of money – Nowhere to go – Disability

At Proactive Pelvic Health Centre (PPHC) we work to help empower and improve women’s health. We do our best to help them overcome various pelvic health issues that many inevitably face, whether pre or postnatal and post-menopause.

We have decided to take a step further and lend a hand in a different way. Toronto Shelters have a deficit of supplies for the basic needs of living. With too many women out on the streets seeking help and not enough resources supplied, it is incumbent upon the community to get involved in helping the less fortunate ones. In light of this, PPHC has set up a drive for basic essentials (toiletries and food). We are reaching out and asking for help from our PPHC community.

As we go ahead with our weekly grocery store visits, please think of these women and children and maybe add a couple extra items into your cart.  We will be collecting items until May 31st so please stop by the clinic and drop off what you can. We thank you in advance.

1. http://www.amnesty.ca/our-work/issues/womens-human-rights/violence-against-women?gclid=CNjFmZPm48sCFZWMaQodQMgGmA

2. http://www.canadianwomen.org/facts-about-violence?gclid=CLeQ177o48sCFQyHaQodtLUF4Q

3. http://www.gov.nl.ca/vpi/facts/VAW_EN_Fact%20Sheet_VAW_in_Canada.pdf

4. http://www.loveisrespect.org/is-this-abuse/why-do-people-stay/


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