Proactive Pelvic Health Centre

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Pelvic Physiotherapy vs Pads, Prolapse and Pain

By Angelique Montano-Bresolin, Reg. PT

Did you know that in France, every woman is assessed and treated if necessary by a pelvic floor physiotherapist after giving birth?  Did you know that one in three women experience urinary leakage? Did you know that 50% of women that deliver a baby vaginally will have a minor pelvic organ prolapse?  Did you know that 1/10 visits to a gynacologist is for pelvic pain? And finally, that over 30% of women perform kegel exercises incorrrectly?

If you said no to most of the statements above you are not alone.  Most women and men have no idea that they can get help for issues like leakage or when things ‘just dont feel right down there’.  It is a shame that women especially think leakage or pain with intercourse is just a normal part of life and having babies…..but….its not!  Its not normal to leak and sex should be pleasureable and… there is a solution.

In my opinion, like France, Canada needs to be adopting a more preventative approach to treating pelvic floor dysfunction in women and men.  Our pelvic floor muscles are just like any other skeletal muscle in our body. They function to support and stabilize the pelvis and the organs within, they help to move fluid and blood through the area like a sump-pump and also play a role in orgasm and sexual function.

We workout our bodies to stay fit, go to yoga classes to remain limber and calm yet ignore the importance of having the same strength and mobility in the muscles of our pelvic floors.  Shame on us!  So why is it that with such vital roles that the pelvic floor muscles play in our bodies, we ignore them?  I dont believe it is a purposeful ignorance, people just dont seem to talk about it or know much about it.

A pelvic health physiotherapist can help you understand the anatomy and function of your pelvic floor.  We can help you identify weakness, tension and pain from muscles, coordination problems and much more.  With the proper guidance, education and treatment from a pelvic physiotherapist, many of your pelvic problems can be improved and even abolished.

It is a dis-service to all women and men out there not to have the knowledge and education that many pelvic floor dysfunctions are preventable or can be managed with appropriate treatment.  Just like having our yearly physicals and regular dental check-ups, maybe we should consider visiting a pelvic physiotherapist for a ‘check-in’ so to speak.